Friday, December 6, 2024




GSQ Blog
Finding Frederick  Charlotte Sale

Australian War Memorial
Atlas Obscura

Interesting Libraries
State Library of Queensland
Irish Pioneers in Australia

genealogy Ireland

Raising awareness about neglected cemeteries - YouTube  Mount Zion and Female Union Band Society Cemeteries | C-SPAN Classroom   Saving St. Louis No. 2 Cemetery from cars and longtime neglect | WWNO   Visiting my ancestral home of Slovakia has given me hope amid post-Holocaust desolation Virginia's Three State Veteran Cemeteries To Hold Wreath Laying Ceremonies ... - RealRadio804  Changes proposed at Rotherham cemeteries including natural burials and historical grave ...    'Green' burials are now offered at this Florida VA cemetery - WKMG   Every soldier buried in Grafton, West Virginia national cemeteries to be honored with wreaths   How the IRA used cemeteries to hide bodies of the disappeared - The Times   Almost 4500 burials uncovered at Bristol workhouse cemetery - The Past Ground collapse in Darlington cemetery reveals Quaker burial chamber | The Northern Echo  New cemetery rules considered to stop dog fouling - BBC  Muslim cemetery space secured in Sydney - AMUST  Dust to Dust: VA Now Offers 'Green' Burials at Cemeteries in Arizona, Colorado and Florida  Saving St. Louis No. 2 Cemetery from cars and longtime neglect | The Lens  Life After Death: America's Cemeteries Are Rewilding - MSN  Debunking Russian fakes. No, Ukrainian soldiers are not offered to buy grave sites on ...   The allure of a drug: Italian steals more than 350 photos of women from cemeteries  'Keep the forest': Surrey cemetery expansion plans raise opposition   What Happens When Cemeteries Uncover Unknown Graves? - YouTube  A Different View of Death: Denmark's Assistens Cemetery - The Amherst Student  What if Malta's cemeteries became public open spaces?  'Very upsetting': Families locked out of city-owned cemeteries - WRDW    Historic cemeteries on land set for development can either be moved or worked around ...     Visitors brave flooded cemeteries on All Saints' Day in Pampanga | ABS-CBN News    New Bedford daughter: “Pine Grove cemetery: stop removing momentos for loved ones”  Christians Are Being Charged Exorbitant Prices To Secure Burial Place In Cemetery Grounds

J Stor Daily

Interesting Blogs

The Legal Genealogist  Coming up: December 2024-January 2025

posted 4 December 2024).    They called him Ernst    Reprise: Of that Thanksgiving past

Anne's Family History They didn’t issue parachutes

Humoring the Goddess Are You Still BoHo-ing?   Old Lady BoHo

Better Reading

Penguin Books
The Rainfall Market    You Yeong-Gwang  CHECK IT OUT
Break the Rules     Lauren Jackson    START READING

Theresa Smith Writes

                                            Thank You 
                                for your support over 13 years. 
The first post was "WELCOME " June 30, 2011.. just a few words to announce that I was about to dive head first into this 'new' to me world of blogging. Since then, well over 700 blogs have been written under this title alone...
I will return in the New Year... after a break with family and friends..
May you have a relaxing and Happy and Healthy Christmas and New Year wrapped in caring memories of years gone by.

Friday, November 29, 2024




GSQ Blog

Dictionary of Biography  a vital new resource that catalogues the lives of notable individuals from pre-separation Queensland. This living document offers biographical records of the First Peoples, convicts, soldiers, settlers and indentured labourers who shaped Queensland before it became a state in 1859.

History Out There 

He populated the colony and saved millions

Outback Family History

JStor Daily

The National Archives UK

Smithsonian Magazine

Council spent £3.4m repairing hundreds of flooded graves - STV News In remembrance of those individuals served by Catholic Cemeteries & Funeral Homes in the ...  *'Barkeologist' helps uncover hidden centuries-old cemetery in Hanover - WWBT   Meet Abby, a traveling 'barkeologist' who's helping uncover a centuries-old hidden cemetery - WIFR Addolorata Cemetery – Raħal Ġdid, Malta - Atlas Obscura    'Fails on many levels': Council looks to restore cemetery to former glory - The Examiner   Library program teaches residents how to clean headstones - Magnolia Banner News   Cemetery safety: Maintenance under spotlight following tragic loss of learner - Bloemfontein Courant Abandoned Red Bank cemetery revisited as 'site of memory' | Chattanooga Times Free Press   Words from our veterans: Keep the flag flying high - Albert Lea Tribune   These Southeast Texans are restoring Beaumont's Black cemeteries  Cops bring 'Oplan Tokhang' to cemeteries | ABS-CBN News  New historical marker at Old Georgetown Cemetery honoring United States Colored Troops    The emigrants take care of the cemetery of Zhegra - Telegrafi  Cemetery body challenges Bathurst council's cost imposition claims - Western Advocate  * Cemetery charging relatives for VIP passes to visit loved-ones' graves sparks outrage - MSN War on Gaza: Palestinians haunted by Israeli grave defilements and body theft  The desert turns into a cemetery, a chilling scene from Iraq - Telegraph - Telegrafi  Why the UK is running out of burial plots | The Week  Cemeteries to be cleaned up - Central Queensland Today   The Destruction Of Jewish Cemeteries In Poland | Sheldon Kirshner - The Blogs Pope approves new papal funeral rites to simplify ritual, allow for burial outside the Vatican  SaaS Plus streamlines cemetery finances at government business - The Australian  One under-the-radar ASX 300 stock with 'inbuilt growth' - Motley Fool

Atlas Obscura
Marvel At The Largest Mural In the World Covering a Dam   For Centuries, This Windmill Has Been Grinding Pigments   The Mysterious “Eyes of the Devil” Are Watching You   Step Into One of the American West’s Most Haunted Places  How is Natural History Preserved in Hyperrealistic Glass?  This Building is a Super Stand-In for the Daily Planet  Nothing Goes to Waste in This Eclectic Parisian Shop  Explore the Cat Sanctuary Floating in Amsterdam's Canal  into these 13 unexpected spots stuffed with taxidermy.  The Island Where WWII Holdouts Fought Over One Woman  This Cemetery Is Where The Most Beloved Pets Go To Rest  Do You Recognize This Sitcom-Famous House?  The Story of the Lost Neighborhood, Hell Point  The Frozen Treat That Inspired a Classic Sitcom Gag  Let's Meat At This Bosnian Barbecue Restaurant   That’s Not the Stars In the Maldives, It’s Bioluminescence  Two Women Saved This Theater From The Brink of Oblivion  Dive Deep Into The Foodways of Chile’s Valleys

Interesting Libraries

Genealogy Ireland 

Interesting Blogs
Brotmanblog: A Family Journey   Happy Thanksgiving!
The Legal Genealogist Of money and chances
Anne's Family History They took away his wooden leg
GeniAus   Don't dilly-dally

and from my blog...

That Moment in Time

FRIDAY FOSSICKING 22nd Nov 2024, interesting libraries,Irish famine orphans, Edison's lightbulb secret, gate to Heaven, stories of cemeteries, great blogs, tomb full of jewellery, inspiration for Witches of Oz, book reviews, Irish famine orphan girls… & much more..

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